Thursday, March 24, 2005

Everyman is the Commonman

Commercial: Couch Father
Product: Adoption
Company: AdoptUSKids

The father is asleep on the couch, the child is sitting next to him watching TV. "You Light Up My Life" plays in the background as the child, not at all with an expression that matches the song, looks at the father who is snoring with mouth open. The child then looks back at the TV, and mimicks the father's position on the couch. The tag line is: "You don't have to be a hero to be a hero. Just being there makes all the difference."

And then there's the radio one where the son says "there's this girl I kindof like" and the father says all he needs to do is impress her, a proceeds to tell him to grunt a lot around her. The tag line is: "You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. Just being there makes all the difference."

There are other TV and radio commercials too. The message for each is punctuated with either a humorous or a sappy-sweet common real life situation. I think the commercials help portray adoption as a means to a normal family, and say you don't have to be special or do anything different to raise a child you didn't biologically create. Hopefully they have helped more adults think about adoption as an option.

You can see all the different ads currently running here.


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