Thursday, March 17, 2005
Listen to the Fine Print
Commercial: Fatal MedicinalProduct: Enbrel
Company: Multiple
Rheumatoid arthritis is the problem, Enbrel is the solution. That's this commercial's message, sent across with soft colors and music, believable people, and the sympathetic yet "you can take your life back" schtick. We've all heard and seen this type of commercial. The newest approved pill that can help or solve a specific problem. In this case the commercial itself is fine, done well enough.
Have you ever paid attention to the monotone face-paced voice that lists off the side effects? These types of commercials are required by law to list out side effects that occurred in trials. "... side effects may include ... blah blah blah," it speeds so that unless you are paying close attention you miss what's being said, yet it drones so you loose interest and won't pay attention. A good tactic when the message is "Serious side effects, some fatal, include...".
Fatal?! Why in the world would anyone want to take something that might kill them to ease joint pain, or any non-threatening condition?
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